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Product Description
Sieves Aggregate
Coarse Test Sieves : Diameter 20 cm. Made of high polished brass spun frame. Fitted with steel perforated square openings.
Sieves Designation: 100 mm, 80 mm, 63 mm, 50 mm, 40 mm, 31.5 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, 12.5 mm, 10 mm, 8 mm, 6.3 mm & 4.75 mm. L & P.
Coarse Test Sieves: Diameter 30 cms. Brass frame with steel perforated Square openings. 100 mm, 80 mm, 63 mm, 50 mm, 40 mm, 31.5 mm, 25mm, 20 mm, 16mm, 12.5 mm, 10mm, 8 mm, 6.3 mm & 4.75 mm. Lid and pan for 30 cms dia.
Coarse Test Sieves: Diameter 30 cms. Brass frame with steel perforated Square openings without Joint. Fitted with steel perforated square opening 100 mm, 80 mm, 63 mm, 50 mm, 40 mm, 31.5 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, 12.5 mm, 10mm, 8 mm, 6.3 mm & 4.75 mm. Lid and pan for 30 cms. without Joint.
Coarse Test Sieves : Diameter 300 mm G.I. Sheet frame with joint & fitted with steel perforated square openings. 125 mm, 106 mm, 90 mm, 75mm, 63 mm, 53 mm, 45 mm, 37.5 mm, 26.5 mm, 22.4 mm, 19 mm, 13.2 mm, 11.2 mm, 9.5 mm, 6.7mm, 5.6 mm with Lid and Pan.
Coarse Test Sieves : Diameter 450mm GI. Sheet frame with joint & fitted with steel perforated square openings. 125 mm, 106 mm, 90 mm, 75mm, 63 mm, 53 mm, 45 mm, 37.5 mm, 26.5 mm, 22.4 mm, 19 mm, 13.2 mm, 11.2 mm, 9.5 mm, 6.7mm, 5.6 mm Lid and Pan.
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