ASEW-173 | Permeability Testers, IS : 3085, Consists of the following: Permeability Cell-Consists of a metal cylinder with a ledge at the bottom for retaining the specimen, a flange at the top, removable cover plate and a funnel. A rubber or neoprene 0-ring or gasket, seated in matching grooves, between the cell and the cover plate to render the joint water- tight. Water Reservoir-Consists of a length of metal pipe, 50 to 100mm in diameter and about 500 mm long. The reservoir fitted with a graduated side arm gauge-glass, and the necessary fitting and valves for admitting water and compressed air and for drainage, bleeding and connection to the permeability cell. Pressure Lines Heavy duty armoured rubber hose with end fittings. Complete with glass bottles but without compressor. Single Cell Model : for specimen size 100 mm dia x 100 mm high Three Cell Model : for specimen size 100 mm dia x 100 mm high. Single Cell Model : for specimen 150 mm dia x 150 mm high. Three Cell Model : for specimen 150 mm dia x 150 mm high Three Cell Model : for specimen size 150mm cube. Cell made of Cast iron. Three Cell Model : for specimen size 150 mm cube . Cell made of gunmetal. |