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Product Description
Consolidation Apparatus
Consolidation apparatus:lS:2720(P-xv, IS: 12287; BS: 1377, ASTM D2435,D4546,AASHTOT216 The standard outfit comprises of a fixed ring type of Consolidometer Cell for testing specimens of 60 mm dia x 20 mm thick, but the unit is so designed that specimens of varying sizes from 50 mm dia to 100 mm dia can also be tested
. Besides, the same loading ring can be used with floating ring Consolidometer cells, which can be supplied at extra cost.
The standard outfit is supplied with a set of weights to give a total pressure of 10 kg/cm. sq. (besides a seating load of 0.05 kg/cm. sq. on the specimen), but an additional set of weights are required to reach the full capacity of 20 kg/cm. sq. Complete with Dial gauge 0.002 mm.
Accessories: Additional set of weights.
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